Steps in the Website Development and Promotion Process

Jack Prot

Web development is a website or a web application creating process. The main steps of the process are web design, HTML coding, programming on the client and on the server side and a web server configuration.

Stages of website development:

– design the site (technical specification development, design an interface);
– create the site concept;
– create page layouts;
– create multimedia elements;
– HTML coding;
– programming;
– optimization;
– testing;
– release;
– marketing (promotion);
– maintenance.

Some of this steps might be omitted or can be closely linked with each other.

Creation of technical specifications

The project manager is drafting the terms of reference for specialists. Work with the customer begins from filling the brief in which the customer expresses his wishes regarding the visual presentation and structure of the site, points out errors in the old version of the site, provides competitors’ sites examples.

The design of main pages of the site and model

The work begins with the creation of the design in the graphical editor. Designer creates one or more design options according to the terms of reference.

HTML coding

The approved design is transmitted to HTML-coder, which “cuts” the graphic images into separate images. As a result, he creates a code that can be viewed by your browser. A typical page will be used as a template.


Then HTML-files are transferred to the programmer. The site can be programmed from scratch or just based on some CMS (Content management system).


SEO-optimization is associated with some modifications of the site. SEO-optimization starts with defining the semantic core. Here you can define such keywords that attract the most interested visitors.


Testing is the final stage of development. Detecting errors will be on correction as long as they will not be eliminated.


The Internet marketing is the practice of using all traditional marketing aspects on the Internet. It is affecting the basic elements of marketing mix: a price, a product, a place and some promotion sales. The main goal is to provide the maximum benefits from potential website audience.

Key elements of the Internet marketing:

– a product. Products that you are selling on the Internet must have a decent quality. It competes not only with other sites, but also with traditional shops;

– a price. Prices considered to be lower on the Internet than in stores due to cost savings. Control prices and compare them with competitors regularly;

– a promotion. It is a set of measures to promote a website or product in the whole network. It includes a huge arsenal of tools (search engine optimization, contextual advertising, banner ads, e-mail marketing, affiliative marketing, viral marketing, hidden marketing, interactive advertising, working with blogs and so on);

– a sales location. A point of sale is your website. The graphic design, the site usability and quality of the processing of applications from the website are playing a vital role. Also pay attention to the speed of loading, work with payment systems, delivery, customer service before, during and after the sale.

After all this stages the website is placing on the provider’s server and a customer viewing the finished project.

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