A Tale of Two Lumberjacks

Jack Prot

I see people spinning their wheels all the time getting nowhere. They see the next bright shiny object and off they go, once again. The worst is when you see someone who can’t keep focused on their goals. It usually means they don’t have one. It pretty simple to realize […]

United We Brand

Jack Prot

Adopting a united brands philosophy may just be what African and developing countries need if they are to fulfil their dreams of achieving international brand recognition for some of their local brands. This strategy could be successfully tied – in with simultaneous nation branding efforts of their home governments. There […]

Advantages of Business Consulting Services

Jack Prot

Business Consultation Services are generally promoted, but not often well understood. Many see these services as a big picture conceptual exercise with no connection to the real world issues facing their business. Often Fortune 500 business consultation services come across as too ivory tower, and overly focused on highlighting issues […]

Promotion Burnout

Jack Prot

With the face of publishing changing, many authors are finding themselves having to hustle to get their own promotions for their books on the roll. One of the main complaints is burnout. Lot’s of work to do, but only a few (sometimes just the author) to do it. WHAT LEADS […]

Free Publicity – 5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Business

Jack Prot

As a Guerrilla Marketing Coach, I’m a strong believer in implementing free or low cost strategies to publicize your business. As a start-up, with cash flow being slow or non-existent, it’s imperative to find ways where you can gain visibility without spending a lot of money. These tips and tricks […]

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