Tim Sales – Insiders Review of Professional Inviter and Professional Presenter

Jack Prot

Tim Sales is a leading authority in Network Marketing and has developed great products such as Professional Inviter and Professional Presenter.  If you are looking into purchasing these materials in hopes that it will help you build your business, read this article so you know what to expect and make sure it is right for you.  

Tim Sales’ Professional Inviter is geared towards people who are in the Network Marketing industry and are looking at sharpening their skills in approaching prospects.  Tim has a formula which he calls the ‘Inviting Formula’ and it breaks down how you can invite a prospect (whether it is for a product customer or and business partner) to see if what you have to offer is a good fit for the person.

The Inviting formula is:

1) Greet the prospect.  The purpose is to have people talking openly and freely.

2) Qualify the prospect.  The focus here is to see if they need or want what you have to offer.

3) Invite.  Which means to invite the prospect to have a look at what you have to offer.

4) Close into action.  Which means to schedule a time to talk for example.

5) Follow up and follow through.  The focuse here is to make sure you are following up with your prospect.

In Tim Sales’ Professional Inviter he says that there is another ‘step’ that could happen anywhere in the formula, and that is to handle and questions and / or objections.

Tim Sales’ Professional Presenter is set to hit the market very soon.  As we have a look at the inviting formula Tim has said a number of times (on different training calls) that the formula is very much the same, it just changes as to what you are INVITING your prospect to.  In Professional Inviter you are inviting the prospect to a future meeting, where in the presenting formula you are inviting the prospect to get into a CONVERSATION (the presentation) about the product / service / opportunity you have.

Now obviously I cannot do the training materials Professional Inviter or Professional Inviter justice in this short article.  This is one training material I would highly recommend if anyone is serious about building a home business.

If you are looking for new strategies to find QUALIFIED prospects, that’s a whole other game.  I recommend you check out the link below where you will find the 7 Fatal Mistakes I have made in my business.  I also share with you how I am now able to open my home business doors for business… to the world!

Tim Sales Professional Inviter and Professional Inviter are great tools, but the link below will show you how to go from part-time struggling network marketer to full-time success.

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