Look, this is the Information Age not the Stone Age! The techniques and approaches that were used in times past no longer hold their power and effectiveness in the eyes of today’s consumer or prospect.
Network marketers everywhere are learning the hard way that cold calling strangers or pursuing their unqualified warm market (i.e. friends and family) DOES NOT WORK anymore. Yet, millions of network marketers are stuck in the past, using Fred Flintstone techniques to try and lure the George Jetson prospect.
Today’s consumer has absolutely no patience for the classic network marketing sales pitch-period.
There must be an easier way to find more and better prospects – and there is. Today’s most successful network marketers are using modern technology to BRING PROSPECTS TO THEM, rather than fishing for prospects over the phone, in public places, among their relatives or through purchased lead companies.
Take a look at the contrast between the “Fred Flintstone” and “George Jetson” network marketer:
FLINTSTONE: Uses things like a prospect list (aka “names list”) and acts like an amateur telemarketer calling everyone they know in the hopes of locating a handful of people that have interest in their business
JETSON: Uses emails, web sites, and blogs to ATTRACT a very targeted group of people who are drawn by an already established and cultivated interest in an opportunity – specifically a network marketing opportunity
FLINTSTONE: Drives to various local “business opportunity meetings” and invites their unqualified prospects to sit for up to an hour or more listening to information about their company, product, and compensation plan, only to be disappointed later that they had little or no interest (i.e. rejection)
JETSON: Hosts webinars or teleconferences that may be pre-recorded and hosted on a website for pre-INTERESTED (not pre-QUALIFIED) prospects to connect on their own terms 24 hours a day, thereby leveraging time and eliminating the sting of being rejected
FLINTSTONE: Thinks like a sales rep – attempting to use compelling sales techniques or tries to “overcome objections” in order to get a prospect to sign up or buy their product.
JETSON: Thinks like an independent consultant – provides value to the marketplace on the “front end” by giving their pre-interested prospects a high level of education-providing comfort, confidence and trust.
FLINTSTONE: Doesn’t think in terms of long term relationship building with a prospect; wants to sell product or enroll them immediately and if it doesn’t happen, that individual is mentally dismissed with no follow up strategy (i.e. the “Some will, Some won’t, So what” or “NEXT!” philosophy)
JETSON: Understands the power of selling through education and using automatic communications to continue the education beyond the initial contact, allowing the natural buying cycle of the individual to take its course, leading to a sale or enrollment in the future on the prospects’ terms – not the network marketers’.
FLINTSTONE: Uses pseudo rapport building tactics to entice prospects to engage them with sole purpose of getting an appointment to pitch their opportunity or demonstrate their product.
JETSON: Builds genuine rapport with their pre-interested prospects by writing articles, creating educational videos, blogging, etc., to position themselves as a trusted advisor and respected expert.
To be on the cutting edge, tap into the power of modern marketing to increase your downline, boost sales, and anchor credibility in the marketplace-without ever having to pursue friends and family, cold call strangers or buy leads again. Yabba-Dabba-Do!