The Depreciated Legacy of Cervantes

Jack Prot

In The Art of the Novel Milan Kundera makes observations that echo Charles Baudelaire’s enraged comments concerning the values of literature in nineteenth century Europe. An embittered Baudelaire writes: “France is passing through a period of vulgarity. Paris: A center radiating stupidity in every direction. Despite Moliere and Beranger, no […]

What Is Content Marketing?

Jack Prot

Content marketing is a marketing approach aimed at creating and distributing valuable and consistent content with an aim of attracting and maintaining new customers. Today’s clients buy goods after doing thorough research on the goods, to ensure they are making a wise decision buying the commodity. Content marketing programs are […]

Simple Chicken Coops – Planning and Building

Jack Prot

If you love raising poultry in your backyard and you plan to put up a small and simple coops in your backyard to house your chicken, you might want to explore making it as your do-it-yourself project. Indeed, building a chicken coop can be easy and simple, and most of […]

Here Is Why Your Small Business Needs a CPA Firm

Jack Prot

As a small business, you probably deal with a lot of financial matters on a regular basis. Important decisions must be made on time, and you must invest your time in various daily activities and tasks that have a significant influence on your resources. No wonder, entrepreneurs look for the […]

Brand Identity Prism by Kapferer

Jack Prot

Brand Identity Prism is often used by marketers to gauge the identity for any brand. But before the application of any model, few obvious questions which come to our mind are:- What is it? When should it be used? How to use it? Now suppose if a product or a […]

How MOOCs Are Used in Workplace Training

Jack Prot

Over the past several months, I’ve written about the many advantages of using MOOCs in training programs and given suggestions for how L&D departments can most effectively incorporate this new training format. In this article, we’ll look at some of the MOOCs that have been developed specifically for training purposes […]

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