Simply stated; everything we experience is attached to an emotion and combined with one or more of our 5 senses and stored in our memory.
Every one can recall smelling a scent you have not smelled in a while and it immediately takes you back to a picture and an emotion attached to that picture in your mind.
Seeing as though we have this ability we can use our conscious mind to pick out experiences in the past and use those memories to predict experiences in the future, or figure out complex problems in the present.
We can use this to solve problems, predict trends, make crucial changes in ourselves, and help others.
The constructive causes of mental equity are endless!
The problem is people for the most part don’t use mental equity; they repeat the wrong action over and over again, all the while expecting different results. Mental equity has no value to anyone unless in is applied
The definition of insanity can be summed up as; the repetition of the same action and consecutively expecting a different result. This does not mean that the majority of people are insane. We have to learn things before we can apply them; therefore this information needs to be made available to learn.
If you are reading this today it is now a part of your mental equity, so do yourself a favor and use it.
I chose not to go into specific detail about how you can apply mental equity to your circumstances but you can easily put together how this can work for you.
This is just one of the many glorious factors of the human existence and when utilized it can change your entire experience for the better and collaterally do the same for those around you.