Lists – To Do or Not To Do

Jack Prot

What’s your perception of people who make “To Do” lists? Are you full of admiration for such an organised approach to life? Do you sigh and wish you could be like them? Or, do you shudder at the idea of running your life in such a timetabled fashion?

What sort of people are these list makers? You might immediately conjure up a picture of a neat, conservative person, who in your estimation ought to “get out more”. What about the non-list makers? Are they the carefree spirits, dressed casually, whose life just happens, or are they the people who turn up late for every appointment?

Some people say that they used to make lists but the lists started to “control” them. They pushed themselves to get everything done on the list, and kept adding things as the day progressed, leaving them exhausted. Others who don’t make lists complain that although they get the essentials done, the day can often drift by with little sign of achievement at the end.

Let’s get one thing clear. Whether you’re pushing yourself to clear a list, or drifting through your day wondering why time management doesn’t work for you, you are making that choice. Yes, that’s right, you are making that choice! Just think about this for a minute. No one is making you do all the things you’ve put on your list, and no one is sabotaging your day so you can’t get much done. If they are, then maybe you have a “boundaries” issue.
So, how would it be if you took the time to create the list that suits you.

Maybe it would have important tasks on it that HAVE to be done, reminders so you don’t forget, perhaps one thing that would take you towards a goal you’ve set eg. If the goal is to clear your office clutter, maybe you could spend 30 minutes a day getting rid of out of date papers. But, don’t timetable every moment of your day otherwise you’ll panic if it doesn’t go according to plan, or feel that the list has become an albatross hanging round your neck. The idea is to still provide enough structure to get things done but with plenty of built in freedom too.

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