How to Be the Best New Manager – A Simple Management Training Guide

Jack Prot

Management positions come with surprisingly little guidance. Whether you were promoted internally or brought in from outside, you were probably expected to hit the ground running, toward the vaguest of goals. As a result of observation from my work experience at a popular pizzeria in the food industry, I have observed, reflected and decided that new manager’s need proper training in order to get their daily tasks done efficiently and effectively. It was observed that employees were promoted to management positions based on the length of time working within the organization and not based on managerial qualifications. Pfeifer et al. (2013) in their article states that promotions are important from the point of view of both employer and employee. Employees benefit from promotions by monetary gains and higher reputation, and employers can use promotions to make efficient job assignments. On the one hand, training might increase individual productivity by teaching skills and knowledge that are important to fulfill tasks at higher job levels. On the other hand, training can serve as a screening device without increasing individual productivity, i.e., the firm learns about abilities and skills of workers and can promote the best fitting (i.e., the most productive) worker to the next job in the hierarchy. The following are key points to consider for businesses as a result of my research.

Pre-shift meeting with staff

Hosting a pre-shift meeting with staff gives them information about what to expect during their shift in terms of the preparation that needs to be done. This is the best time for managers to express to the employees what their expectations of them are and what goals need to be accomplished by the end of the shift. In the article titled (Make the Most of Meetings, 2009), the author gives five simple tips on how to make a pre-shift meeting productive. The first tip is to set an agenda. This will let employees know what to expect, especially if the meetings are held at a regular time every day. Then it is suggested that managers make the meeting goal- oriented, which allows the managers to examine immediate challenges and determine the best way to meet them. Allowing everyone on the team to have an input will keep the employees useful, involved and motivated. It is important to get feedback from the team and ask for advice when making decisions. And lastly, remind the team of the vision you have for the organization and incorporate it into the weekly goals.

Proactive vs. reactive management

Being prepared before the busy period is very important especially in the food industry. After meeting with the staff, it will make it easier for them to prepare for the day as they now have an idea of what the day will be like. Reacting to the busy period will slow down productivity while being proactive makes the organization run more smoothly. Larson et al. (1986) posits in their article that a proactive manager takes charge, initiates action, seeks out others and spends time planning and pursuing a logical, long term agenda. On the other hand, a reactive manager responds to the initiations and requests from others. They wait until the busy period hits and then they run around like a headless chicken, not knowing where to start to make the shift run smoothly. Their study reveals that more proactive managerial behaviors are better in smaller organizations. Proactive managers prevent chaos in the organization. This management style focuses on breaking down systems and processes so as to identify flaws and control issues before they get out of control.

Creating and maintaining a professional organizational culture

Organizational culture is the behavior of management and the meanings that employees attach to their actions. It is a pattern of collective behaviors that are taught to new organizational members and affects the way employees interact with each other and with stakeholders. A professional organizational culture is an important aspect in the success of most large companies. When managers and supervisors portray an image of professionalism on and off the job employees will be motivated to do the same. Ardiccvilli et al. (2012) found in their research that if organization leader’s actions are consistent and positive then overtime these values will be imparted onto the other employees and build their commitment to the organizations culture. Therefore, management does have an impact on the business culture and how the other employees behave within the organization. It is important that professional behavior is the norm within the organization whether the company is large or small. This culture can affect the productivity and profitability of the organization.


In summary, the article demonstrated that there are steps that new managers need to take in order to run successful business operations on a daily basis. Hosting a pre- shift meeting to make the staff aware of how the day will unfold is of top priority. Taking on a more proactive style of management will aid in a more productive day on the job. Creating and maintaining a professional culture within an organization is the best way for managers to lead by example within an organization. Prahalad (1983) suggests that managers should strive to build the strategic capabilities in the organization instead of looking for easy solutions. In order to operate in a decision making culture, managers must go beyond formal organization structure. The road is long and hard, but the journey is rewarding.


Ardichvili, A., Jondle, D., & Kowske, B. (2012). Minding the gap: exploring differences in perceptions of ethical business cultures among executives, mid-level managers and non-managers. Human Resource Development International, 15(3), 337-352. doi:10.1080/13678868.2012.687625

Larson, L. L., Bussom, R. S., Vicars, W., & Jauch, L. (1986). PROACTIVE VERSUS REACTIVE MANAGER: IS THE DICHOTOMY REALISTIC?. Journal Of Management Studies, 23(4), 385-400.

Make the Most of Meetings. (2009). Journal of Accountancy, 207(3), 22.

Pfeifer, C., Janssen, S., Yang, P., & Backes-Gellner, U. (2013). EFFECTS OF TRAINING ON EMPLOYEE SUGGESTIONS AND PROMOTIONS: EVIDENCE FROM PERSONNEL RECORDS. Schmalenbach Business Review (SBR), 65(3), 270-287.

Prahalad, C. K. (1983). Developing Strategic Capability: An Agenda for Top Management. Human Resource Management, 22(3), 237-254.

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