Transformational Leadership – Leadership Characteristics For Organizational Transformation Success

Jack Prot

Several personal leadership characteristics are essential for a leader to possess in order to effectively lead and transform an organization. These personal characteristics describe the aspect of leadership better known as transformational leadership, leadership that seeks to transform not only the organization but also the followers’ vision of “what is” […]

Ten Ways Leadership Can Motivate Team Building and Performance

Jack Prot

Managers, supervisors, and team leaders need to understand how communication and recognition can help motivate members to have better attitudes and become more productive. Many ways exist to motivate team members to build a better team and increase the group and individual performance. Presented for consideration are ten possible ways […]

Why Choose Odoo CMS For Your Website

Jack Prot

Odoo is a fully web-based application that provides multi user management supporting without any hurdle. It is one of the best open source platforms with a suite of business apps. A well integrated Odoo system helps you streamline your business activities with standardized solutions. Along with apps for various business […]

Sample Business Plan Outline

Jack Prot

If you are looking for a partner, funding, angle investor or venture capital you will be asked for a business plan. Even if you are not in need of capital in the formation of your new business endeavor you will still be glad you prepared a business plan to help […]

Why Internet Marketing “Gurus” Make Me Laugh

Jack Prot

One of the biggest problems I see with my clients and friends in the Internet marketing business is this issue of “hero worship.” By that I mean, people start looking up to the various “gurus” like they’re bigger than life. As if they are somehow almost superhuman, with these amazing […]

Cold Calling Shocker! WHO is Your Best Ally?

Jack Prot

Unbelievable! Turns out the very person sales professionals dread talking to on the phone is not to be dreaded at all. That’s right, the affectionately referred to gatekeeper, bull dog, mean-spirited witch on the other end of the phone… in polite terms referred to as The Executive Assistant… is without […]

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