Define your Target Market and their Problems
Before setting pen to paper, it’s important to have a clear idea about who you want to reach with your article. An effective article must be focused towards a specific group of people. Who is your target audience? Defining your audience in as much detail as possible will help you to craft an article that speaks directly to them. Think about their age, gender and income level. Where do they live, what are their biggest problems, what do they do for a living? What about their lifestyle and interests?
After defining your target audience, identify what you plan to write about. Life is all about problems and finding solutions to them. Think about your target market. What types of problems or issues do they have? What kind of information do they need most that you can supply? Write down at least seven to ten distinct problems. Clearly identifying the “who” and “what” underlying your articles will serve to keep you focused. Remember you need to write about things that speak specifically to your target audience and the types of answers they’re searching for.
Once you have established the “who” and the “what”, it’s time to focus on an idea. Once you’ve compiled a list of problems or issues, select one or more to focus on as a topic for your article. From there, you can break the idea into several detailed points which you will expand into your article content.
Before You Start Writing
– Define “who” you are writing for. Analyze your target market. Who comprises your target audience and what are their characteristics?
– Identify “what” you plan to write about. What problems are frequently faced by your target audience?
– Focus on a one topic for each article. Address a single problem. Provide helpful tips, resources, and other information that will leave the reader with a solution the can use right now.
These are just some of the many ways you can connect with your target market through writing articles.